The Use Of Design Thinking In C-D-I-O Projects

The Use Of Design Thinking In C-D-I-O Projects

C. Ping, P. Chow, C. Leong (2011).  The Use Of Design Thinking In C-D-I-O Projects. 9.

For students taking the “Design and Innovation Project” module at the Singapore Polytechnic, it has been observed that the most difficult step in the C-D-I-O process is the first step - “conceive”. The “Design Thinking” method emphasizes “deep user understanding” through detailed survey / observation of the end users, and subsequent analysis of the data collected. Can the Design Thinking method help students in the “conceive” step? This paper describes a “pilot/trial run” to use the Design Thinking method in conceiving project ideas. It also outlines the limitations / constraints of the method.


Authors (New): 
Chong Siew Ping
Patrick Chow
Christopher Teoh Eng Leong
Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore
design thinking
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