Methodological Innovation in Electrical Engineering Department "Control Systems" Course

Methodological Innovation in Electrical Engineering Department "Control Systems" Course

D. Sáez, R. Uribe (2007).  Methodological Innovation in Electrical Engineering Department "Control Systems" Course. 6.


Pedagogic methods' implementation in the “Control Systems” course of the Engineering program are presented and stressed on Learning Object’s Design, cooperative work, case study and site visits. The proposal promotes the teachers' reflection leading them to a role change within the classroom, a change in the design of curricular activities that goes from an exposition-centered teacher to a creative learning facilitator. In addition, students realize about the change and experience and express a high level of satisfaction. This contributes to increase students' attendance and participation as well as better grades.


Authors (New): 
Doris Sáez
Rosa Uribe
University of Chile, Chile
learning activities
Cooperative work
case study
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