Experiences from the Transformation of an Engineering Education Introductory Project Design Course into a Project Design-Build-Test Course

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Experiences from the Transformation of an Engineering Education Introductory Project Design Course into a Project Design-Build-Test Course

G. Gustafsson (2004).  Experiences from the Transformation of an Engineering Education Introductory Project Design Course into a Project Design-Build-Test Course. 10.

This paper describes the changes made to an introductory course in Mechanical Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology to transform it from a project design course into a project design-build-test course. The aim is to inspire engineering educators to introduce practical hands-on build (manufacture) elements in their curricula through an account of the positive experiences gained. Presented at NordDesign 2004, 18-20 August 2004, Tampere, Finland.

Authors (New): 
Göran Gustafsson
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
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